No dia 30 de setembro, os alunos de Inglês do 12º A e 12ºB, sob orientação da professora Dina Paiva, participaram em duas experiências de Escape Room, com orientações em língua inglesa.

Tratou-se de uma aula no exterior, em que a aplicação dos conhecimentos da língua inglesa foi posta à prova enquanto tentavam “assaltar um museu” e “resolver o mistério do assassinato de um famoso aristocrata”.

Estas experiências serão, posteriormente, adaptadas ao projeto solidário “Mentoria a Pares”, também a desenvolver pelos mesmos alunos, sob coordenação da professora de Inglês.

Todas as normas de segurança foram escrupulosamente cumpridas.

Dina Paiva


My impressions about the Escape Room was that it was something very well thought out, with clues and mechanisms thought of in such a way so that everything would lead the participants to the correct exit. Sadly they just had two rooms.

Joana Silva 12°B

The popularity of escape rooms was pretty well justified with this activity!
Spite of being a great entertainment, it is also pretty good for us to communicate between us all.
I also loved the fact that nothing was obvious (or at least not at first sight), so in order to find the clues and unlock the things in order to escape the room, we need to work together and really put our minds to work, which is also great to improve our communication and problem solving skills.
Overall it was a must repeat experience :)

Bianca Liz, 12ºA

I really enjoyed the experience, we worked in an organized group and stayed focus the whole time we were there. ??

Leonor Martins, 12ºA

The experience was quite enjoyable, in my opinion.
Having to be patient with clues and using your head to figure out what to do with them is a really nice thing.
The clues fit with the general theme which was also pleasing!

Ângelo, 12ºA

I found it a funny and cool experience and I really enjoyed doing this experience with the class.

André Augusto, 12ºA

I think this was a really fun experience and it was the perfect preparation for the "Mentoria" project. I hope that after this we can give the students from 7B an even better experience.

Mafalda Silva, 12ºA

Very friendly staff and a good reception, I enjoyed the experience of being locked in a room and trying to get out of it, I had a lot of fun. I hope I can do something like that again.

Diogo Santos, 12ºA

I think the escape room was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had, it made me think a lot and was a good brain exercise.
It is an experience that I want to repeat.

Maria João Santos, 12ºA

The escape room was a very interesting and dynamic activity.
I especially enjoyed the tension the game created for me and my team mates! It was intense and an afternoon very well spent! Looking forward to seeing the other room.

Duarte Pádua, 12ºB

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